
"Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason in all human epoch."
- Allan Kardec
Mission Statement
Founded on November 15, 1997, the United States Spiritist Federation was created to promote the union of the U.S. Spiritist organizations and the unification of the Spiritist Movement in the U.S. We welcome all visitors to our website and invite Spiritist organizations to join the USSF. This way, counting on each other’s help and support, the task of disseminating Spiritism will be shared by all.
The United States Spiritist Federation will devote its best efforts to bring together the Spiritist community in the U.S. in our common objective to disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine in this country. As such, the USSF pledges to:
1. Promote the fraternal union of the U.S. Spiritist institutions, and the unification of the national Spiritist Movement.
2. Promote the study, diffusion, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine according to its principles and postulates, and in all its fundamental scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, and moral aspects.
3. Promote the practice of spiritual and material charity in the light of Spiritism.
4. Represent the Spiritist Movement in the United States.
Board of Directors
President: Jussara Korngold (New York, NY)
Vice-President: Tania Schwartz (Austin, TX)
Treasurer: Gustavo Grande (San Antonio, TX)
Secretary: Fernanda Silveira (Austin, TX)
Marketing Director: Lino Rodrigues (Chicago, IL)
FYCSE Director: Ligia Carvalho (New Jersey, NJ)
Communications Director: Daniel Santos (Baltimore, MD)
Outreach Director: Marcia Trajano (Atlanta, GA)
All Spiritist Organizations located in the United States are welcome to apply for affiliation with the USSF.
Please email us at info@spiritist.us with the following information.
- A letter of intent of becoming affiliated
- Copy of your organization’s bylaws
- Copy of your organization’s state incorporation letter
- General Member Information Form filled out
- Copy of 501(c)(3) certificate - when applicable
(See additional incorporation information here)
- Your group contact information will be listed in our website as an affiliated member.
- You will find in our website useful material for presentations, talks, seminars, workshops, posters, courses, brochures, etc.
- In the USSF website there is a member only session. It contains current financial reports and the USSF legal documents.
- Members have a special 40% discount on purchases over $100 on all the USSF’s books.
- As part of the USSF outreach program your group will have the opportunity to participate in online trainings, meetings, and whenever possible personal visits by a member of the USSF, or representatives of this organization.
- If your group ever has an emergency, USSF offers help through the SEED program, where your situation can be evaluated and, if approved, you can borrow a certain amount of money depending on availability.
- Your organization is entitled to participate in our Annual General Meeting and be part of the decision making of the Spiritist Movement in the US.
- The USSF has purchased a subscription to offer its members a shared virtual platform (ZOOM) for their spiritist meetings, for up to 100 people. First come, first serve. USSF zoom account is called SPIRITISM ONLINE.
- A total of two of your board members can be included at the USSF Member WhatsApp group. This is an opportunity to share information regarding the US Spiritist movement, and to be up to date with Spiritist current events.
- USSF is affiliated to ISC (CEI) – International Spiritist Council and by extension you are part of the Spiritist movement worldwide. Check the website www.cei-spiritistcouncil.com to learn more about it.
Formation of New Centers
1. Spiritist Meetings and Spiritist Books.
Spiritist study meetings utilize primarily the five books of Kardec’s Codification (The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, The Genesis, and Heaven and Hell), as well as other complementary materials. Mediumistic sessions should only be carried out with workers prepared for this practice and under the supervision and assistance of persons responsible and experienced in such meetings.
2. Name for the Spiritist Group/Center.
A group that meets regularly should choose a name for itself. It is always advisable to choose a name in English for centers in the U.S. Allan Kardec Spiritist Study Group of [insert name of your city or state], or Spiritist Society of [insert name of your city, county or state] are always good choices. Of course there are other names that reflect the practice of the Doctrine – simple and dignified. Once the name is chosen – congratulations! – send the information together with address and contact to the USSC for website posting.
3. Guidelines for the Formation of Spiritist Centers and Spiritist Workers. See documents below:
> Guidelines to Spiritist Groups, Centers and Societies
> Preparation of Spiritist Workers
> SAMPLES of By-Laws: version (Word) (PDF)
Look up this very important pamphlet that can be reproduced for free distribution:
> Get to Know Spiritism